Dirty Dancing for Beginners

“Dirty dancing will be a turn-on for her”
Some people just don’t have the music in them, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean that you can’t dance, it just means that you have to try harder. If you haven’t had any success dirty dancing at the clubs, take a step back and evaluate what you’re doing wrong. Even though dirty dancing just looks like it takes intuition and a little guts, it takes a little more than that to pull it off. For you to be successful and get the ladies you deserve, follow these simple rules and practice whenever you can.
It’s All in the Hips
If you watch other people dancing in a sultry way (the tango or salsa), you’ll notice that most of the movement is around the hips, don’t try to move your entire body with the girl you’re dancing with or you’ll just look erratic and out of control; keep it cool and go with the flow. She’ll be moving her hips too, so just move yours against her and keep pace. Follow the beat of the song playing and match that so the music is more embedded in her core. Hearing the thump of the bass at the same time you thrust will get her going like you wouldn’t believe. Just think of it like having sex with your clothes on; rock your hips the same as you would if you were inside her. All you have to worry about is getting hard, not that she’ll mind if you’re doing a good job.
Stay in Place
Instead of moving your feet all over the place, pick a spot and stay in it. The club is probably crowded and you’ll be bumping into everyone if you move around. You’ll also make her dizzy if you’re jerking her all over the place, so just keep your feet planted in one location and you’ll be fine. It’s easier to grind on her if you’re in one place too, so the first step will work out much better for you. Keep her close so that she can feel your body press against hers, and whisper things in her ear whenever you can. She might not be able to hear you over the music, but the vibrations will feel amazing.
Watch Your Hands

“Don’t miss out on this chance of grabbing her waist”
We don’t mean that you should keep your hands in a decent location. Keep them wherever you want, but don’t move them around like a crazy person. Moving your hands slowly when you move them makes the movements more sensual and will start getting her wet right away. Slide them up over her boobs to send shivers down her spine, or slip them over her thighs to let her know what you’re here for. Tell her how much you want her when the song reaches its climax and have her shaking against you. If you move just right and touch her how she likes, it’s only a matter of time before you have her in your bed. Dirty dancing is the top way to get women at the club, and remember that practice makes perfect.