Why Didn’t Mingle2.com Make It Into Our Top Three Canadian Dating Sites?
Mingle2.com is one of the most boring, useless sites we’ve ever been to. This site is no good for meeting women. In fact, the only “women” we met were complete and total scams, and we wouldn’t have gone out with them if they had been real.
If you can find a real woman on Mingle2.com, that’s great—but we had pretty much no luck, and we have no confidence that you’d be able to have any better luck. We’re usually pretty good at making sure that we get decent responses, but Mingle2.com threw all of that out the window.

What a scam! Check out these reviews of legit dating services so you can find local singles without wasting money.
Check Out Our Results From Using Mingle2.com Over 3 Months
During our Mingle2 review, we sent out messages to 360 women over the course of three months. We’re a group of four men, and we each sent out one email every day.
Unfortunately, we only got 43 messages back, a truly disappointing total. We didn’t manage to set up a single date, and we didn’t actually meet a single woman from Mingle2.com.
Is Mingle2.com A Scam, Or Just Not Worth Your Time?
Mingle2.com might be free, but that doesn’t mean it’s somewhere you want to spend your time. Your time is worth something, and you don’t have to waste it on a site that won’t help you meet women.
We also found that Mingle2.com was FULL of advertisements. We see enough of those without having to have them sent to our dating inbox folder of messages, thank you.
Mingle2.com Review: Our Final Verdict On Whether You Should Use Mingle2.com For Online Dating
We don’t recommend that you use Mingle2.com for online dating. This site doesn’t put all that much effort into helping you meet women, and instead it seems to just care about getting you to click on their website in the first place. You could be having a way better time at Match.
mingle2 is just not a very good site in general. you can’t find any real women on here so save your money, ther’es no chance you’ll get a good review from this one
no comparison to how bad this one is. just save your money and you will be a lot happier, there isn’t a single real woman on this whole site
i think this is nothing but a scam. what a waste of my time, i really wish i could meet a single woman but i just can’t on this entire site
it’s not that legit but i am really trying to give mingle2 a chance. it’s just kind of a mess ing eneral so keep that in mind it’s just kind of meh
if you’re lokoing for a good site this one really isn’t at all. just skip it in general, these women are all fakes and you won’t get anyone to talk to you on here
a test run of mingle2 has been pretty disappointing. i don’t think i want ot keep using this one, save your money and use any otehr site
the only rating i can give this site is just not that good. skip it in general and you will be a lot happier, there are nothing but scammers here
when i write my new review 2013 list this one is really not good so just skip it and you will end up being a lot happier in general
nothing really about this site screams great dating site but i’m tryihng to give mingle2 a chance. it just seems to be kind of hit and miss in general
never been into sites like this and i don’t htink this one changed my mind at all. skip this one and just move on to another site in general
mingle2 has nothing good about it and that’s why i just have ot leave a bad review. it’s just not good at helping you meet women at all
there’s nothing in this site that will help you get a date. i can’t even think of a comparison to hwo bad it is, just save your money and use another site
in this site i am so certain taht the profiles are all just a scam profile after another. it’s just not good and you won’t find any real women on here
it’s just not very legit but i’mr eally hoping that mingle2 will come around and be better for me later. it’s not my top pick at all though
not a good site. it’s just full of fakes and scammers and that makes it really difficult to use as a whole. just save your money and use something else in the future
a test run of mingle2 really didn’t make me meet any women. it’s just disapointing and in general i am not impressed by any fo them at all
for my rating of this site i really think it deserves a low one. you won’t be able to meet any real women on here, it’s just very disappointing in general
my new review 2013 list will have this site very far down there. just save your money and you’ll end up being so much happier
i’m not sure about mingle2 for dating. it’s just not a very good site and i think it’s kind of hit and miss if you will actually be able to talk to women
sites like this usually don’t do it for me and ths one is no exception. i just cna’t get any women to talk to me and that’s really frustrating
mingle2 is not my pick for a dating site. it’s just kind of hit and miss overall and that’s why i can’t give it anything close to a good review
i can’t even begin to think of a comparison to this onen. it’s just awful and you wont be able to meet a single woman on this whole site
another scam and that’s all it is. i don’t like it at all and i think that it would be much better off just shut down than scamming people
i’m not sure how legit mingle2 actually is. it seems like a fun site but so far it’s just been kind of hit and miss for me and that’s not good at all
not very good. this site is really a waste of time and it’s very stressful to try and use it to meet women. save your money and you will be a lot happier
a test run of mingle2 proved to me that it’s not a good site at all. you just an’t get anything done on here, ti’s not a good site at all
you wn’t meet women on this one. i can’t imagine ever giving this site a good rating, it’s just a big miss and it really doesn’t work for me at all
when i comes to my review 2013 list this one is on the absolute bottom. it’s just not good and i think in general it’s kind of a miss for me
mingle2 isn’t the best for dating but i think it could be better later on. just keep that in mind, it’s kind of a miss for me overall
sites like this usually aren’t my thing and i don’t think thi sone is either. it’s just been kind of slow to work thus far and that’s disappointing
the only review i can give this one is a bad one. mingle2 is just a hot mess and in general it’s really a miss on ever single level so just pass it over
i can’t even think of a comparison to this one. pass it up and just move on to another site, this one won’t help you meet a single woman
i think this is nothing but a scam and it’s pretty obvious at that. in general it’s just kind of impossible to meet women on here so skip it in general
mingle2 is really not the most legit of sites it’s just very slow in general. it’s not that great and it hink in general it’s just not that great of a site
it’s not very good. i don’t think i’ll be back to use this site again so just save it and you will not be able to find a single woman on here to talk to
nothing but a bad test run as far as i’ve seen. mingle2 is just really not that good i don’t think in general that it’s really going to work
this is no site that i want to keep using. that’s why it has such a low rating in general. just skip this one in general and pass it up
in my new review 2013 list this is really one of the worst that i’ve tried so far. pass it up and you will not be able to suffer through this crappy site
the only dating site i have used is this one and i’m not very impressed with it. i think that mingle2 is just kind of hti and miss overall and that’s nothing good
seeing sites like this reminds me of why i never end up using them. there’s just nothing good about this one and it’s a total waste of my time
i can’t give mingle2 anything close to a good review. save your money and use another site, you won’t meet anyw omen on here at all
there’s really no comparison to how bad this one is. it’s just a bad site and in general you will end up feeling really gross about using it
another scam and it’s obvious in general. the profiles are hot but that’s all there is to this site, a lot of fake profiles after fake profiles
i don’t know how legit mingle2 actually is but it seems to be kind of hit and miss for me. it’s just not very good and i don’t think i’ll use it again
it’s just not good at all. pass it up and you will be a lot happier, it’s just a waste of time and energy so save your money and move on
i haven’t met a single woman on my test run of mingle2 so that’s just really disappointing. i can’t imagine ever being able to make this one work
the only rating i’ll give this site is a bad one. it’s just not good, the women on here are all fake as far as i can see so you won’t get a date
when i write my newest review 2013 blog i will not be putting this one on here. it’s just not good and i don’t think it’s worth a second glance at all
this is just not my pick f or dating. i think that mingle2 has potential but it’s jsut not the site for me right now so i won’t be back again
usually sites like this are not my cup of tea and this one did nothing to change my opinion of that. save our money and try something else