Why Didn’t Lavalife.ca Make It Into Our Top Three Canadian Dating Sites?
LavaLife.ca is a surprisingly old scam. This one has been around since the 1970s, and used to scam men by getting them to pay for expensive phone calls to women who they would try to pick up—but LavaLife.ca would make sure there were no ways that people could actually contact each other that way, making sure that they kept coming back to try again.
Now, LavaLife.ca uses fake profiles to try and get men and women to contact each other on the Internet. This is probably an even cheaper scam for them to run, since they don’t have to pay for the operation of phone lines. It’s still the same old Lavalife scam, though.

This site is a scam, so visit our reviews of legit dating services and find the woman for you.
Check Out Our Results From Using Lavalife.ca Over 3 Months
During our LavaLife review, we sent out emails to 360 women, hoping for at least a couple hundred responses so that we’d know we were making some kind of progress.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get what we wanted. We only got 45 emails back, a pretty disappointing total compared to our best sites. We didn’t manage to set up a date with any women, and we never met a single woman from LavaLife.ca in person.
Is Lavalife.ca A Scam, Or Just Not Worth Your Time?
We guess there’s something to be said for consistency, and LavaLife.ca has been consistently ripping people off for about 40 years now. You’re part of a long and storied tradition, whether you want to be or not.
The annoying thing is that there might be some real women on this site. It’s just very difficult to find a way to contact them, since they’re being blocked just as hard as we are.
Lavalife.ca Review: Our Final Verdict On Whether You Should Use Lavalife.ca For Online Dating
We do NOT recommend that you use LavaLife.ca for online dating. For a GOOD date, head over to Match. There are so many people on that site, even in Canada, that you are almost guaranteed to find someone worth meeting up with no matter what.
lavalife is really not my top pick at all. i can’t give this one a good review, it just doesn’t work for me and in general i think it’s a mess
no comparison, this one just doesn’t work. you won’t be able to use this to meet any women, it just doesn’t end up working that way
another scam and nothing more as far as i can tell. just skip this one unless you are ok with not getting a single date the whole time you’re on a site
not sure how legit lavalife really is. i’m hoping a lot because there are some really gorgeous ladies on here that i’d love to be able to chat with
nothing good here. it’s just not a very solid site and i think in gneral it would be better off just being shut down. i really am not fond of it
the only test run i did of lavalife was really disappointing. this is not the site that i want to keep using so i will save my money and move on
this one has a low rating from me. it just didn’t perform well at all and i think in general it’sjust one that you should skip unless you’re ok with not getting what you pay for
when i come up wtih my new review 2013 list this one will be near the bottom. it just doesn’t work that well adn that’s the most disappointing thing
not sure about lavalife for dating. it just seems a little sketchy so far but i’m holding out to see if it actually will improve in the future
not into sites like this usually and this one didn’t really help to change my mind. it’s just not a very good site so keep that in mind
lavalife is not that great of a site and that’s wh i have to leave it a less than stellar review. just skip this one and you will be a lot happier
no comparison to this one, it’s just a bad site full of scam artists. youw on’t get anything done on this site and you definitely wont’ get a date
i can’t even begin to imagine people that don’t realize this is a scam. hot profiles dont’ make a good site so keep that in mind
not sure how legit you can really call lavalife. this site just seems to be a little hti and miss but i’m really hoping that it picks up in the future
nothing good about this one. it’s just kind of disappointing overall and i’m not sure i will be back to try it again in the future either
a test run of lavalife told me everything i needed to know. it’ s just not active and there aren’t any real members as far asi can tell!
0 out of 10 rating without a doubt. this site just disappointed me very much so and it’s impossible to even see a real woman on here
when i write my new review 2013 list i think this one will be right near hte bottom. it’s just not a good site and in general you should forget about it
just ok for dating, not that great. i think lavalife has potential in other things but it just doesnt seem to work for me thus far, i don’t know if i’ll be back
sites like this are rarely something i want to use and this one didn’t seem to try and change my mind very extensively. just keep that in mind
lavalife gets a low review from me. it’s just not a good site and i think in general it’s something that should be passed over, forget about it
no comparison, it’s just one big waste of time. you won’t be able to meet any women on here so save your money and try another site
another scam and nothing more for my first glance. i think in general this site is one yo ushould avoid unless you’re ok with weeding through profiles
not very legit but i think that lavalife has a lot of potential so iw ant to at least give it a shot. it’s just kind of hit and miss for me so far
this one isn’t good in general and i think it would be a lot better to just have it shut down. in the meantime however it’s really a site that you should avoid
my test run of lavalife was really not impressive. i can’t imagine ever being able to make this site work so just skip it and in general you will be happier
a low rating is all this site deserves. save your money and use something else, it’s just not a good site and you won’t meet women on it
when i came up with a new review 2013 list thi sone was at the very bottom. it just doesn’t work to help you find women on it at all
not my cup of tea for dating but i think that lavalife has a lot of potential. it’s just kind of a miss on some occasions so be open minded
not into sites like this at all and it’s just not something that i really think anyone else would enjoy. this site is ust not good in the slightest
a low review is really all i can offer to lavalife. it doesn’t work all that well and i think that it would be a lot betetr off just taken down than scamming people
you won’t meet women on here. there’s no comparison to taht considering every other site ahs helped me at least get one date!
another scam. they do nothing to regulate their members and it’s really obvious with all the scam profiles all over this iste, it’s just not that great
nothing legit about this one as far as i can tell. lavalife is just a really big miss and in general it isn’t something you want to use unless your’e very patient
not really convinced that this one is very good. i can’t meet any real women on here and so that’s pretty disappointing overall so i wont’ be back to use this one again because it’s just a really big waste of my time and energy as far as i can see
a test run of this site proved that it’s just not good. lavalife is a big disappointment on mye nd and i don’t think i’ll be back to use it again
skip this one and give it a bad rating, that’s all i can suggest. this site does nothing but make you feel really gross and unhappy about your life
when i write my review 2013 list i will not be putting this one on the top at all. it’s just very slow moving and doesn’t have that many active members
jsut ok for dating, nothing spectacular. i think that lavalife is kind of hit and miss though so keep that in mind when you are using it
i’m not into sites like this and this one didn’t do anything to change my mind. it’s just not a good site and in general i have ended up feeling gross for using it
a low review is all this one gets from me. it’s just not good. lavalife is full of scammers and a lot of fake women and it’s just not a good site
no comparison can even be made to this site, it’s just that awful. you won’t get a single date on here, you’ll just end up frustrated
i think this is a scam. there mgiht be some hot ladies on here but in general they’re all a bunch of fakes and that’s not going to help you
i don’t know how legit this site really is. i think lavalife has a lot of potential though so i will keep tryign to make it work through that
nothing good to see about this site. it’s just not my cup of tea and i think in general it should be avoided becuase you won’t get a date on here
it’s impossible to meet women on here and that’s what my test made very clear. lavalife is just one big mess and you won’t be able to meet girls
this one definitely gets a low rating from me. it’ simpossible to meet women so i just want to leave this site nad never look back again
i’ve used a lot of sites lately and on my review 2013 list this one will be near the bottom. it’s just not that good and in general i think it’s a hot mess
for dating it’s kind of meh for me. i think that lavalife has potential though so i will probably stick around and see what i can do from it
not into sites like this and i won’t be back because this one didn’t try to change my mind at all. it’s just awful in general, what a waste