Why Didn’t Zoosk.ca Make It Into Our Top Three Canadian Dating Sites?
Besides having perhaps the stupidest name we ever heard (what the hell is a Zoosk and why is it going to get me dates?), Zoosk.ca is also one of the most useless sites we’ve ever had the misfortune to use.
It looks to us like pretty much everyone else has come to the same conclusions about Zoosk.ca. This site is absolutely no good for meeting women in Canada, not when there are almost no women available on this site.

Lousy sites like this waste your time. Click here to find legit dating services that won’t leave you broke and broken-hearted.
Check Out Our Results From Using Zoosk.ca Over 3 Months
During our Zoosk review, we sent out 360 emails looking for some decent responses from beautiful women. First of all, finding 360 different women was a hassle, even across a period of three months. There are just simply no women on this site.
Second of all, we only got back two responses total. Both of those were pretty pathetic, and we didn’t feel inspired to respond to either of them…because they were both asking us for money.
We didn’t meet any women. We didn’t get any dates. We didn’t get anything except frustrated with Zoosk.ca.
Is Zoosk.ca A Scam, Or Just Not Worth Your Time?
If the total lack of response and the tumbleweed-esque nature of the site weren’t enough to convince us that this site is a total sham, we also have the fact that the site of Zoosk.ca is absolutely dreadful. Pages link to nowhere, we had an awful time trying to figure out the messaging system, and everything is done in colors that burn the eyes.
Maybe we’d consider giving it another look—if they can have it decorated by someone other than a mad great-aunt.
Zoosk.ca Review: Our Final Verdict On Whether You Should Use Zoosk.ca For Online Dating
Don’t use Zoosk.ca for online dating. This site will waste your time and money, and you won’t get what you want from it. Stick to Match, and watch how many responses you get from amazing women.
zoosk is one site that i don’t think i’ll ever come back to. that’s hwy i just have ot leave it a bad review, you won’t meet any women on here at all
i cant even think of a comparison to this site. it’s a big mess and in general it’s pretty impossible to actually meet women on here so forget about it
another scam and nothing more. that’s all this s ite is and i definitely wont’ be back to use it again in the future so forget about it
i’m not sure how legit this one really is. zoosk is just kind of slow moving for me and that’s pretty disappointing, just keep that in mind
nothing good to say about this one. it’s just a big mess and in general you won’t meet any women so just save your money and try elsewhere
a test run of this site told me everything. zoosk is just a big pit of nothing and you wont be able to get a single date from t his entire site
i did a rating of this site and iw as really unimpressed with it. save your money and this site will not come back to haunt you like it did me
just not the best dating site and that’s why it’s ranked pretty low on my review 2013 list. it’s just not my cup of tea and i think it would be better off ignored
for dating this one is kind of hit and miss. i think that zoosk is really a site that needs to be eyeballed carefully before you jump right in
nothing good to say about sites like this. in general this one is pretty disappointing so i don’t think i’ll be coming back to use it again
there is really no chance that zoosk is any good. i wont’ give it a good review in the slightest, this site is just one big mess after another for sure
i can’t imagine ever being able to meet a single real woman on here. there’s no comparison to how bad that is so just save you rmoney and do something else
it’s just a scam and nothing more. i don’t think there’s a single active member on this whole site, it doesn’t even try to make it easy to use
you won’t get a date very fast but i think that zoosk is legit enough to work. just weed through it and see what you can come up with
this one isn’t good at all. i just think in general that it would be a lot better off left alone and that make sme pretty sure that it’s a time waster
a test run of zoosk really proved to me how bad it is. this site will just end up sucking you dry and you wont even get a single date while it happens
low rating on this one without a doubt. it’s just a hot mess of failure and there aren’t any real breathing women on this whole site
when iw rite my new review 2013 this one will be at the very bottom. just forget about it and you’ll be al ot happier overall i think
for dating this site is kind of hit and miss. i just don’t think that zoosk is the best of the best and that’s kind of disappoitning overall
for sites like this to still be scamming people is pretty disappointing. i just don’t ike it at all and i think it would be better off shut down
this site does not get a good review from me at all. zoosk is just really bad and won’t help you meet a single real woman so forget about it
i don’t think this site can have a comparison that’s to anything good at all. it’s just a mess and ing eneral you will not be able to meet women
i’m pretty sure it’s nothing but a scam. i don’t think i saw a single real profile on this whole site and that’s really disappointing. forget about it
not sure how legit zoosk is but i’m trying to give it a chance. it seems like ti could be a lot of fun but so far it’s just been kind of slow
not good at all. i don’t like this site and i don’t think it will work in general so just keep that in mind and skip this site overall
it’s a test run that really doesn’t need to be repeated. zoosk is not my cup of tea andi don’t think anyone will ever enjoy this site
you can’t meet a single real woman on this site and that’s why it gets such a low rating from me. pass it over and you will end up a lot happier
when i write a new review 2013 list this one will be near the bottom. it’s just inconsistent and very difficult to use overall so forget it
not my top pick for dating but it’s not the worst either. zoosk is just kind of hti and miss for some people and that can be pretty frustrating
i don’t like sites like this and this one is no exception to that. save your moeny and use a site that actually works at the very least
forget about a good review for this one. zoosk is awful and that’s why i refuse to ever use it again, it’s just not a good site so forget it
i don’t think this has a comparison to how bad it is. this site is just the worst and ir eally won’t work at all if you look at it
i don’t think this is anything but a scam. there aren’t anyr eal women on this site and it’s pretty disappointing to try and use it with that in mind
i’m not sure how legit this site actually is zoosk is pretty disappointing and this one is really not that good so keep that in mind when you are using it
a good site this is not. you will not be able to meet a single woman and it’s just really disappointing to try and get it done
i did a test run of zoosk and i was so disappointed that i immediately left. it’s just not good at all and i don’t imagine ti ever will be
only rating i can ever give this site is a bad one. it’s just not good and i think in general it shoul be shut down or cmpletely rehauled
when i write my review 2013 list this site won’t be near the top at all. it’ sjust not good and i think in general it would be one that i’d take down
for dating on this site it’s just kind of hit and miss but i htink that zoosk has potential at least. there are some hot girls on here for sure
not into sites like this usually and this one seems to be no different. save your money and you’ll be a lot happier overall i think
nothing but a bad review on this one for me. i think that zoosk is a hot mess and should be taken down because there’s no way you can meet women on here
i can’t even think of a comparison to this one. it’s no good at all and you won’t meet a single real woman on this whoel site
impossible to get a date on such a scam ridden site i think. it’s just got so many fakes that i don’t know what to even do on this one anymore
i’m not sure how legit you can really say that zoosk is but it seems like a fun site to me. it’s just kind of hit and miss as far as i know
this one is not good at all. it’s just not a very solid site and i think in general this site would be better off taken down in general
i did a test of this site and i was really not happy with it. zoosk didn’t help me meet a single woman, it’ just not a good site at all
the only rating i can give this one is a bad one. it’s just not a good site and in general it hink it hsould be taken down entirely
for my review 2013 list i will not be ranking this one very high. it’s just a crappy site and i think in general it’s one that’s really bad
when it comes to dating this site is kind of hit and miss. i think that zoosk is just kidn of meh for me but i really do hope it improves
i don’t really get into sites like this and this one hasn’t been encouraging me eitehr. it’s just not what i like to use in the first place and i don’t think i’ll be using this medium for dating again in the future at all