Getting Her Friend into the Sack
Maybe it’s boredom or maybe it’s spite. Maybe it’s because there’s nothing better to do in Moosejaw in the middle of January. Whatever the reason, you’re focused on the idea of sleeping with partner’s friend. Depending on what you want the outcome to be, there are several different ways to play this. In all of them, you need to exercise at least some degree of caution to ensure your ass is covered. If you’re committed to the idea of hooking up with her friend, we salute you. We’re also offering you some useful advice that might just help you out on your quest, so read carefully.
Proceed With Caution

“Flirt with her and observe the reactions”
Let’s be realistic, chances are that if the friend in question is super loyal to your girlfriend, she’s not going to hook-up with you. If anything, she’ll run and tell your girlfriend that you made advances, which is going to earn you all kinds of unholy wrath. So if you’re attracted to a friend that’s on really good terms with your girlfriend, it might be time to set your sights elsewhere.
Now, if there’s been some tension between your partner and the friend in tension, or if they’re not close friends, you’ll have an advantage. Obviously this isn’t going to go anywhere if she’s not attracted to you, so proceed carefully. If you’re unsure of whether she’s into you, sound her out. Flirt a little and see what happens. If she’s showing zero interest, it’s likely time to move on. If she’s receptive, however, it’s time to start planning.
Getting What You Want

“Get her in bed”
Once you’re ready to move in, it’s time to lay out a bit of a plan. It doesn’t have to be complex, but unless you want your partner finding out, it should be enough to keep your ass covered. If you’re looking just for a one-night hook-up, the perfect destination might be a hotel or motel room the next town over, just to be safe. If you like the element of risk, you could get together at her place or for an even riskier option, invite her over when your girlfriend’s out.
If this is just a one-time deal, you’re likely going to be unconcerned about what happens after. If you’re looking to turn it into repeat sexual encounters, you’ll need to think ahead. Weigh the risk with the benefits. Chances are that your partner’s going to find out eventually unless you’re very, very careful. If you’re okay with that anyways, you’re good to go. You’ll also need to consider whether the friend is interested in hooking up more than once. If she is, she’ll need to be just as careful to ensure she doesn’t expose you both.
Moving On
Once you’ve done the deed, you may feel like you’re in the clear. Just remember that the friend in question is going to have this experience which she can use against you at any point in time. This is where things can get tricky. If she’s spiteful or cruel, there’s a very good possibility that she’s use your mutual transgression to blackmail you. She just might use the scenario to mess things up. Once you’ve crossed the line by having sex with the friend of your girlfriend, there’s no going back. Additionally, the consequences can be severe, so tread carefully.