Three Drinks That Will Get Her Tipsy Fast
If you’re trying to pick up women at the bar, your best option is to buy her a drink. It’s a good way to start a conversation but you can also use this as a tool to start getting her tipsy and more willing to go home with you. When you’re low on cash and want to get her tipsy quickly, it’s important to plan your strategy from the start. Some drinks contain more alcohol than others, so plan on getting her any of these three delicious drinks that you can buy at any bar.
Long Island Iced Tea

“Get a long island ice tea for her”
This drink is flavorful and tangy, not to mention, it packs a punch. Give her one or two of these and she’ll be dizzy and all over you. This drink is generally pretty cheap, so buying a few for her won’t kill your budget. The Long Island iced tea features a unique blend of triple sec, rum, gin, vodka, tequila, sour mix, iced tea, and lemon, and is a veritable cornucopia of flavor for her to enjoy. It’s a little on the tart side, but women are guaranteed to love it. Let her sip on a few of those while you chat her up and see how fast she follows you to the dance floor.
Margaritas are delicious and sour, not to mention there are light options and flavors, making them a favorite with women. If you’re at a full service bar, you might even be able to get it blended, which the ladies just love. This tasty little drink is just a simple combination of tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. It’s easy to make and the taste of lime covers up how alcoholic it is, which means she’ll get tipsy without even realizing what she’s doing. Depending on what kind of margarita you get, it’s cheap to mid-range in price. If you’re on a budget, make sure you don’t get a margarita with Patron in it, go for one with some Jose Cuervo to keep the price low. If there are other flavors offered, then try getting her a strawberry or mango one. Women love fruity drinks, and she’ll probably be even more happy to drink it.
Rum and Coke

“Rum and coke will make her tipsy fast”
Rum and Coke is an old favorite and is one of the cheapest things on the menu. If she isn’t a Coke fan, you can get this with just about any soda – rum and Coke is just the generic term for it. These don’t normally come in large glasses, so it’ll take a few of them to get her buzzed. That’s okay, because they’re never pricey. Sending over a rum and Coke tells her that you’re interested, but it’s nothing major. She’ll feel more comfortable talking to you because you aren’t trying too hard to win her over. If you had sent over a martini, she’d probably just brush you off and enjoy the drink while talking to her friends instead.