Why Didn’t Mate1.com Make It Into Our Top Three Canadian Dating Sites?
Mate1.com is a cheap scam site that’s designed to take all your money without providing any kind of a product. This site has been ripping off Canadian singles for too long, and we wish it would stop. There are no actual women on this site, just fake profiles to try and lure you in so that you’ll spend your cash.
Check Out Our Results From Using Mate1.com Over 3 Months

Stay away from this site! Click here to find legit dating services in your area.
During our Mate1 review, we sent out 360 emails. On a good site, like Match, we receive almost 300 responses, proving that there are actual women on a good site.
On this one, we only got 87 responses. We tried setting up one date, and the woman couldn’t even be bothered to show up to tell us that she didn’t want to go on the date.
Is Mate1.com A Scam, Or Just Not Worth Your Time?
When you sign on for the first time, you’ll see a wall of pictures, and that’s about all that Mate1.com is good for. This site is just a bunch of pictures that don’t have names and don’t have personalities. We’re pretty sure that some of them still had the watermark on them from where they’d been found on the Internet. Most were obviously from Google Search.
Mate1 is a scam. This site puts up fake profiles and makes sure that they send in emails so that it looks like the site is real, but it’s really just fake. We don’t recommend it as a use of your time.
Mate1.com Review: Our Final Verdict On Whether You Should Use Mate1.com For Online Dating
We do NOT recommend Mate1.com for online dating in Canada. This is a site that you should avoid if you don’t want to be scammed. We could barely get a single girl to talk to us—and when you’ve been around dating sites as long as we have, you get really good at getting that first response.
mate1 isn’t a very good dating site at all. you won’t be able to meet any women on here and that’s why i just had to leave it a really bad review
there’s no comparison to this one. you’ll just end up feeling disappointed all of the time, it’s just not a good site and you won’t meet women on here
nothing but a scam, i see a ton of fake profiles on here every day. save your money and try out a site that actually does it all right
i’m not sure how legit this one really is. mate1 seems like a fun site but so far it’s just been a little slow going for me, i hope it ends up picking up int he future
there’s nothing good about this one. you’ll just end up feeling really frustrated that none of these weomen will actually talk to you and that’s super annoying
i did a test run of mate1 and i was very disappointed. i couldn’t get a single woman on this site to actually talk to me, i think they’re all fakes
only rating i can give this site is a bad one. it just doesn’t seem to have any active real women on it and that’s really frustrating to me
when i came up with my review 2013 list i was really not happy with this site. it’s ranked pretty low down on there and it hink in general it’s just a huge miss
not my pick for dating but i think that mate1 has potential. it just esems to move a little slowly in comaprison to everything else and that’s not good
not into sites like this and this one didn’t make me change my mind. it’s just not good and you won’t get laid on here or a single date
nothing good to say in this review. mate1 just doesn’t work, it’s a really big mess as far as ic an tell and that’s pretty upsetting, you won’t meet women on here
i can’t even begin to think of a comparison to how frustrating i find this site. it’s full of nothing but fakes and that’s just not good at all
forget about it, it’s nothing but a scam and it doesn’t even try to be anything else. this site is just so full of fakes that it’s pathetic
i don’t know how legit mate1 actually is but i’m giving it a shot anyway. if nothing else there are a lot of of hot girls on here which is really nice
i dn’t think this one is good at all. you won’t get laid on here or even talk to a woman because they are definitely all fakes
my test run of mate1 was really disappointing. you won’t get a single date on here, these girls are all fakes and they won’t chat with you at all
this one has been a bad rating and i think it really deserves it. there’s not anything going on with this site that woudl warrant something better
i’ve used a lot of sites and this one on my review 2013 list will be ranked pretty low. it’s just not good and you will not get a date from here
i’m not sure about using this site for dating, it seems a litlte hit and miss? i hope that mate1 picks up in the future though it’s just not my thing
not into sites like this usually and unfortunately this one didn’t do much to change my mind. i’m kind of disappointed by that in general
i can’t give this one even close to a good review. mate1 is just a big hot mess for me and it’s very disappointing to try and make it work
there’s honestly no comparison here. you won’t get a single date from this site, you will just end up frustrated and very upset about it
i think this is nothing more than a scam for sure. you will end up being very disappointed at how few women actually are on here
i don’t know how legit this actually is. mate1 is one of those hit and miss type sites but i hope that it actually does work for me
nto very good in the slightest. this site jsut doesn’t do it right at all and i can’t imagine ever being able to actually meet women from on here
i did a test of this site and iw as nto happy with my results at all. mate1 is just not good and in general it’s a big waste of your time and energy
the only rating i can imagine giving this one is a bad one. save your cash and use it for something else, this site just doesn’t work
not sure how this one will rank on my review 2013 list but i am pretty sure it’s not very high. just skip this one unless you don’t want to get a date
not my top pick for dating but it’s ok in a pinch. i think mate1 has potential, it just really needs to end up being cleaned up overall
sites like this are nto my cup of tea and they never will be at this rate. this site just really dropped the ball and i’m not ahppy with it
can’t give this one anywhere close to a good review. mate1 is just not good and in general it would be a better choice to find something else
i can’t even think of a comparison to this one, it’s no good at all. you wont’ meet a single real woman on this whole site so forget about it
nothing but a scam and that’s why i just can’t even begin to use it. skip out on this one and you will end up a lot happier in general
i’m not sure how legit you can really say that mate1 is but i’m tryihng to give it a chance. it’s just not that great and in general it’s a miss
nothing good here. it’s just not my pick and i don’t think i’ll be using this one again in the future, it’s just not very good and won’t help you meet women
i did a test run of this one and i was very disappointed. i coudn’t meet a single woman on mate1 and that was just a total miss in my opinion
a low rating is all this one deserves. it’s just not very good and in general it hink you would be happier trying to use another site that isn’t this one
when i came up with a review 2013 list for this year it was just low on the totem pole. you will not be able to make this one work very well
mate1 isn’t my pick for dating but it’s not the absolute worst. it’s just kind of meh but i think it will improve a bit in the future, i am trying to give it a chance to see if it actually does do anything for me or for anyone else
never into sites like this and this one didn’t change my mind. it’s just not good and in general you will be al ot better off using something else
mate1 jsut gets a bad review from me for sure. i can’t meet any women on this site so it’s a really big disappointment to sign on and see nothing
i can’t even think of a comparison to how empty this site is. it’s not active at all and there aren’t any real women i’ve seen on here besides
skip this one, it’s nothing but a scam. there aren’t anyr eal women on this whole site and that’s pretty disappointing to try and deal with
i really don’t know how legit mate1 is but it seems to be kind of hit and miss overall. it’s just not my cup of tea but i hope it improves later
there’s nothing good to say about htis iste. you won’t get a single date on here and it’s really just not interesting to use at all
can’t meet a single woman on here, that’s all my test endeded up telling me. mate1 isn’t good at all for dating so just save your money
0 out of 10 rating ont his one for sure. it’s just very disapointing to meet anyone on here because they are usually scammers or fakes
i’ve done a lot of review 2013 lists and this one is at the very bottom. it’s just not good, you won’t meet any real women on this site
can’t be sure about this one for dating but i think that mate1 is kind of hit and miss. it’s just not my cup of tea so keep that in mind
usually not into sites like this and this one hasn’t ended up c hanging my mind at all. it’s just not good at all so skip it and move on to something else