Why Didn’t MySingleFriend.com Make It Into Our Top Three Canadian Dating Sites?
MySingleFriend.com is a strange little site. The premise of it is that no one knows you better than your friends, so your friends are supposed to be the ones who create your profile and upload your picture to help you meet women.
If you’re not mature enough to describe yourself, in our opinion, you’re really not mature enough to be on a dating site looking for women. So first of all, we believe that MySingleFriend.com is flawed in the concept of the site. Second of all, we found almost NO women here.

What a crappy site! Leave it and click here to find legit dating services so you can find real girls in your area that want you in bed.
Check Out Our Results From Using MySingleFriend.com Over 3 Months
During our MySingleFriend review, we sent out emails to 360 women we thought were awesome and would be fun to meet up with. Unfortunately, we only heard back from six women during our entire MySingleFriend comparison, proving to us that we were some of the only people who actually use this site, whether it be to find dates or not.
Is MySingleFriend.com A Scam, Or Just Not Worth Your Time?
If you had a real single friend, and you set them up with this website, we’re guessing that friend would stay single for a very long time. This site is absolute garbage—if you have a friend you have to set up, just find them someone in your social circle or set them up with a good website. You don’t have to use this weird, gimmicky site to try and make your sad friend less of a downer at parties (which we assume is why you’re trying to hook your friend up).
MySingleFriend.com Review: Our Final Verdict On Whether You Should Use MySingleFriend.com For Online Dating
We don’t believe you should use MySingleFriend.com for setting up dates. This site is useless, it doesn’t have much of a selection, and the entire concept of the site is completely flawed.
Stick to Match. That’s a site where you can meet amazing Canadian women without getting some kind of MySingleFriend scam.
my single friend s not a good site at all. that’s why i just have to leave it a bad review, you wont’ get anything out of this one at all
save your moeny, there’s no comparison to how bad this one is. you won’t be able to meet any women on here so what even is the point of it
i think it’s nothing but a scam and that’s jsut pretty disappoitning overall. you dont want to use this site unless you are sure there are real girls
i am really not sure how legit my single friend is but it seems a little gimmicky. i just hope that it helsp me meet a lot of women
nothing good to say about this site. it’s jsut a time waster and really not that enjoyable so save your money and you will be a lot happier
my test run of my single friend was really not that exciting. there aren’t that many active members so it’s really hard to meet anyone in general
the only rating i cna give this site is a bad one. it’s just not good and in general you will end up feeling sick and tired of it
when i write my new review 2013 list this site will be very low on it. it just doesn’t work to help you meet a lot of girls which is no good at all
just kind of mediocre for dating as far as i can tell. this site doesn’t really wow me at all and i don’t think i will be using it again in the future, my single friend is weird
not into sites like this usually but i gave this one a shot against my better judgement. it’s jsut kind of meh so far but i hope that changes
there is nothing about this site that will actually help you get a date. my single friend is really dumb and that’s why i have to leave it a bad review
there is no comparison to how bad this one is just save your money and go to another site, this one is a really gross gimmick
no active members on here as far as i can see so that’s why i’m pretty sure it’s nothing but a scam. just save your money and forget about it
there’s nothing very legit about my single friend but i am really trying to make it work. it’s just not a good site and in general it’s a time waste
there’s nothing good to see here. just save your money and use another site that will actually help you meet women in general
i don’t want to even think about my test run of my single friend. this site was a total waste of my time and energy and was very disappointing
low rating goes to this one. it’s just not good and the womenon here all seem to be fake. save your money and try something else out
when i write my new review 2013 site i will not be ranking this one very high at all. it’s just not good and youw ill not meet real women on here
nothing but a hit and miss dating site and that’s a little disappointing. i hope that my single friend ends up working better for you than it did for me
i don’t usually like sites like this and this one didn’t seem to change my midn at all. it’s just not good so save your money and move on
the only review i can give this one is a bad one. my single friend just doesn’t work very wlel and it’s all a gimmick anyway so forget it
i don’t think it’s even worth a comparison to anything. it’s utter crap for sure and that’s why i hate it skip it ing eneral so just forget about it
another scam and nothing more. you won’t get a single hit of a real person on ehre so save your money and deal with it in general
really not convinced that this site is very legit but i’mg iving it a shto anyway. my single friend seems to be pretty hit and miss though
this site isn’t good at all. you won’t get a single hit on this site and the women are all fakes a sfar as i can tell so that’s exactly why
my test run of this site was very disappointing. i didn’t see a single real person on my single friend and it’s just not very active
the only rating i’ll give this site is a bad one. it’s jsut full of fakes and padded profiles and that’s not what i want to pay for at all
when i write a new review 2013 site this one will be at the very bottom of the rankings. it’s not good at all and reallky is just a gimmick
usually not my pick for dating but my single friend cna be fun f you re patient. it’s just kin dof a weird site that you have to be aware of
nto into sites like this and athisone is noe xception. i don’t think i’ll be back to use it again, just skip it in general if you knwo what’s good
skip out on ths one, there’s a reaon why i had to leave my single friend such a bad review. it doesn’t work at all and it’s really just a time waster
there’s no comparison to how bad this one is. you won’t meet women on here, thsi site is jsut a big joke as far as i can tell
skip this one it’s nothing but a scam and that’s pretty disappointing overall. you don’t want to use this one, it’s no good at all
i don’t know how legit my single friend actually is but it seems to be kind of hit and miss in general. it’s just not my cup of tea is all
just not good at all. you won’t be able to make this one work for you, it’s just really a big mess and there are no real women on here
good luck trying to do a test run of my single friend .this siste is a joke and you won’t meet any women on here that are actually real
only rating i can pass on to this site is a bad one. it’s a big mess and generally just full of a lot of fakes as far as i can tell
when i make a new review 2013 list this one will be at the very bottom. it’s just not a good site and in general it hsould be left alone
i don’t really like dating online but my single friend seems like it could be fun. it’s just kind of hit and miss thus far and tha’s annoying
when i see sites like this i’m rarely impressed. it’s just not very good and i hope taht in general it actually improves in the future
i don’t really want to give this one anything but a bad review. my single friend is just very unimpressive and doesn’t have any women i want to talk to
there’s not a single comparison that i can make that’s any good. this site is just awful and you won’t be able to meet a single woman on it
this is just one scam after another. my experiene with this stie is nothing but scam profiles and that’s pretty disappoitning in general
i don’t think this one is all that legit but i’m trying to give my single friend a chance. it’s just kind of a hit and miss situation and that’s not any fun at all
just not good. you won’t get a single date on here so keep that in mind, t’s just not a good site and it won’t ever end up being one
i did a test run of my single friend and that told me all i needed to know. this site is a hot mess an there doesn’t seem to be a single real woman on it
the only rating i’ll give this site is a gross one because wow it’s awful. nothing but fakes and it’s just really impossible to get around this site and use it
i’ve done al ot of review 2013 lists and this one will be at the bottom of one of them. ic na’t find a single legit woman on this entire site!
for dating it’s kind of hit and miss but i guess that my single friend is ok under duress. it’s just not my favorite site overall but it’s ok
usually sites like this are not something i want ot use and this one is no exception to that. save your money and moe on to another site, you will be al ot happier and be able to meet al ot more woment aht actuallyw ant to sit around and talk to you in th