Why Didn’t POF.com Make It Into Our Top Three Canadian Dating Sites?
POF.com, also known as Plenty of Fish for the old proverb, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea,” is what we always point to when people ask us what’s so wrong with free dating sites.
POF.com is riddled with ads. They come to your inbox, they flash at you from the top and the sidebar, and they’re intermixed with the emails you get from women, making you doubt whether or not you’re actually hearing from women at all.

This site will disappoint you. See our reviews of legit dating services to find the best dating sites.
This site is completely useless for meeting women. If you want to do that, you’re not going to be able to meet your goals here.
Check Out Our Results From Using POF.com Over 3 Months
During our POF.com review, we sent out 360 emails to women, hoping to get some decent responses from women that we could go out with. Unfortunately, we seem to have missed all the decent women; the only people that emailed us back were spam and scams, and not very many of them.
We only got 17 responses the entire time we were on POF.com. We did try to follow up with those 17, but there’s very little to do when you get that few responses.
Is POF.com A Scam, Or Just Not Worth Your Time?
If you needed another reason to think that POF.com is not worth your time, consider the fact that there are only three women for every 50 men on this site. There’s no way you’ll be able to get a woman’s attention on this site when you’re competing against hundreds of other men for the attention of the exact same woman. Free sites like POF.com are pretty much poison to your chances of getting laid.
POF.com Review: Our Final Verdict On Whether You Should Use POF.com For Online Dating
We do NOT recommend that you use POF.com to find women to meet up with in Canada. This is not a good site. You’re going to wind up just as alone as you are now. For a better chance of meeting someone special, check out our favorite dating website in Canada, Match.
pof just doesn’t work at all. there’s no chance it will get a good review from me, it’s just a really big miss on trying to help you meet women
i don’t think this one deserves anywhere close to a good review. i can’t even think of a comparison in general. pass this one in general
it’s just a scam and nothing more. save your money and move on in general, it’s not a good site and you won’t be able to meet women
not all that legit but i’m holding out that pof reallyw orks. save your money and you will end up a lot happier, skip it unless your’e really quite patient
it’s just not good. you won’t meet any women on here so save your money and use another site that will actually help you meet women
anotehr test run of this site just let it be very clear about how bad it is. pof is just not a good site and you won’t meet any women on here
i can’t even come close to giving this one a good rating. save your money and you will be a lot happier, it’s just not that great in general
in my review 2013 list this one will be much lower on the list. just forget about it and move onto another site in general it’s just not that great
pof is not the best dating site but in general it’s kind of hit and miss. if you give it a shot you might be able to make it work for dating in general
never been into sites like this and i don’t think i ever will be at this rate. it is just very disappointing to try and make this one work for me
pof is really not my pick for a site and that’s why it gets a bad review from me. just forget about this one and you will end up a lot happier, it’s not good at all
there’s no comparison to how bada this one is. you will not get a single date on this one so just skip it and move on to another site
i’m pretty sure this one is just a scam. save your money and you will be a lot happier because you’l just be throwing it away on this site
i’m not sure if pof is legit or not. it seems to be a little hit and miss for me and that’s pretty disappointing so i’m nt sure if i’ll be back or not
it’s just not a good site. it’s really kind of a waste and i think that in general you will be happier using anything else but this one
a test run made it very clear that it’s impossible to get a date on pof. i don’t think i’ll be using this one again, it’s just inactive and really not good
i tried to give something good to this site but it’s just not worth it. i have to leave a bad rating becaue it’s impossible to meet a single woman on here
in my newest review 2013 list this one is ranked pretty low no the list. it just doesn’t work for me and i think it’s because of all the fakes
it’s ok for dating but not great. pof is just kind of hit and miss overall and that’s disappointing but i hope it will pick up in the future
this one is just not good. sites like this rarely are but this one really just proves to me that it’s a total waste of your time in general
i don’t know about giving this one a good review. i think pof is just too riddled with fakes to be very effective so just keep that in mind
no comparison to this one. it’s just not a good site and i think in general you will be unhappy trying to pick up girls on this crappy thing
another scam is all that this site actually is. it’s just a mess of fake profiles and i can’t imagine anyone being able to get a date here
i think this one is kind of mediocre and i’m not sure how legit it really is. pof just seems like a site you really have to work at in general
not very good at all. this site has so many fakes on it that it’s kind of incredible. i dont’ think i’ll be using it again in the future at all
a test run was all i needed to realize how bad pof is. it just doesn’t seem to have a single real woman on the whole site and that’s just not good
when i come across this site i just haave to give it the worst rating. it’s impossible to meet women on here, they are all fakes as far as i can tell
on my new review 2013 list this site is just one of the worst i’ve ever tried. i don’t think i’ll ever be back, it’s impossible to meet women
for dating i think you can do a lot better but pof is ok in a pinch. it’s just kind of hit and miss for me and that’s kind of annoying to deal with
i’m not into sites like this usually and this one doesn’t seem to be any sort of an exception. just save your money and try to use something else
not a good review from me in the slightest. pof is just a mess in general and i think it would be a lot better off just beineg shut down
i cna’t even think of a comparison to this one. it’s just trash and all the women on it are fake so what even is hte point of trying to make this one work
another scam and that’s all it really is. just save your money and you will be a lot happier, it’s not a site that will get you a date
not sure how legit pof really is but it seems to be kind of hit and miss for me. it’s just not the best site out there and in general i think it should be approached with care
it’s just not good is the thing. you won’t get a single date on here so save your money and try to use another site in stead of this crappy one
a test run of pof really proved to me that it’s not very good. it’s imposible to meet women on here and i don’t think i’ll use it in the future
the only rating i can give this one is a bad one. it just doesn’t work at all and the women on here are all fakes as far as i can tell
when i write my new review 2013 list this one will be on the bottom. it’s full of fakes and that makes it very difficult to begin meeting women
i don’t know about this one for dating, i think that pof is a little hit and miss. it’s just kind of meh for me but i am hoping it will pick up int he future
nothing good to say about sites like this usually and this one is no exception. it’s just not very good and i think ing eneral it’s a waste of time
usually i don’t like to even bother but i have to leave this one a bad review. pof is just not good at all and it will only makae your life difficult
no comparison to how bad this is considerin gi can’t get a single woman on here to even return one of my messages. it’s just not good
i think this is nothing but a scam. i haven’t seen a single real profile on the whole site and that’s just disappointing in general
pretty sure that this one has some legit people on it but i’m just not sure about pof as a whole. i hope it picks up in the future and works better
it’s really not good and it makes no attempt to be. just save your money and you will be a lot happier using other sites
a test of this site made me realize how bad it is. pof just doesn’t deliver and help you meet any women at all which is a very disappointing thing
0 out of 10 rating without a doubt on this one, you won’t meet a single girl and that’s completely annoying. it’s just a total waste of time
when i write my newest review 2013 list i’m not sure i will even list this one. it just isn’t good at all so skip it ing eneral and find something else
just not the best for dating but it could be worse. pof is just kind of meh to me becaus it’s not the most active of sites at all
usually i don’t like sites like this and this one is no exception. i don’t know hwo to even bother making this one work most of the time